Consulting Jobs

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Cumpanasu Partners is looking for experienced lawyers

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Cumpanasu Partners is looking for new lawyers

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Reff si Asociatii SCA, societatea de avocati repre...

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It’s your career. Where will you take it?

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Avocat Ovidiu Pop, Partener Badita & Pop

"Nu putem decat sa ne bucuram sincer de succesul repurtat de publicatia si site-ul pe care cu atata minunata competenta le conduceti. Suntem onorati sa ne numaram printre colaboratorii dvs si va dorim sa cresteti constant pe aceasta piata atat de competitiva."
Raluca PUTUREANU, Marketing Specialist ROMINVENT S.A.

Avem 70 vizitatori și nici un membru online

Ensight Finance

Ensight Finance offers a full range of financial, tax advisory and compliance services, tailored to clients’ needs.

List of services: Consultancy for Finance processes improvements, Financial consultancy, Tax consulting, Payroll services and HR Admin, Accounting services.

We are working for companies of all sizes – multinational companies with activity in Romania, large companies, as well as Small and Medium-Sized Companies from Romania and abroad – from various industries (e.g. services, production, agriculture, real estate etc.)

Why work with us?

Ensight takes over all tax risks related to transactions processing, interpretation of laws, as well as the time-consuming relationship with Romanian tax authorities. An insurance policy with a coverage of EUR 500.000 is concluded yearly by Ensight Finance for covering professional risks.

Services are rendered by experienced consultants able to provide integrated financial services for small, medium or large companies from Romania or abroad.

Ensight consultants are fluent in at least one foreign language, ensuring communication with Parent companies or other Group companies from abroad.

The services are integrated, eliminating the problems related to partial outsourcing of financial services to different suppliers strictly specialized in one field (only tax, or only payroll).

Partial outsourcing triggers higher costs as it requires additional working time for overall reconciliations and transfer of data among different service providers for the same process.

Eliminates the activity blocking following the leave of a key employee from the financial department.

It involves the transfer of know-how towards Client employees if such internal staff exists at the Client.

Ensight Finance is the Partner selected for Romania by WTS Global, an international network of tax consultancy firms.

With representation in over 100 countries, WTS Global has already grown to a leadership position as a global tax practice offering the full range of tax services and aspires to become the preeminent non-audit tax practice worldwide. WTS Global deliberately refrains from conducting annual audits in order to avoid any conflicts of interest and to be the long- term trusted advisor for its international clients.

WTS Global effectively combines senior tax expertise from different cultures and backgrounds and offers world-class skills in advisory, in-house, regulatory and digital, coupled with the ability to think like experienced businesspeople in a constantly changing world.

Ensight Finance SRL
Tel.: +40 37 4467869
Email: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
Administrator: Mihaela Danalache


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